Thursday, March 18, 2010


Wow...I just realized it has been a while since I posted. Hopefully, DH's packet was received and should be reviewed by this month's board. Then we will know more about the future. We are packing and selling and packing and pitching. My friend C and her dd J were here to visit and we had a nice time. She was a huge blessing (as usual)! Also, this week was my ds#2's 14th birthday~what a blessing that boy is to me! We had Mediterranean fish per his request and not 1, not 2, but 3 cheesecakes, which my friend brought the mixes for! Yum, yum! We just finished the last of it yesterday :). I have not been feeling 100%; I need to feel better to get everything done! I think part of it is *trying* to not drink so much coffee~makes me feel rotten. Speaking of coffee... :) Happy day, peeps!


  1. 3 cheesecakes? Fantastic, sounds right up my alley! haha

    You know, I'm beginning to think that too much coffee is making me feel rotten as well. Definitely something worth looking into. Right now I have my DD coffee, still half full...but I don't think I'm going to finish it (it's also 5 hours old! haha)

    Have a great weekend and next week, too!

  2. What an exciting and patience learning time for you all as the packet heads to the board! Prayers are with you during this waiting time. :)

  3. Mmmmm...cheesecake! :)

    What an exciting journey you are on together! How fun!

    Enjoy your weekend!
