Saturday, January 15, 2011

Second Day in a!

Today is kind of a lazy day~nice! DS3 gets to go to a friend's basketball game and then! Because of this and the fact that all children except DS1 and DD2 haven't gone sledding, DH and I are taking little one sledding this afternoon. She is so excited! It doesn't look like I will be getting a job as caregiver after all, after looking at all the paperwork and the contract and all. I have peace about this decision, as my husband is very wise and walks carefully through life. That is why I wanted him to look at all that paperwork! DD1 and DS2 are still away at a tourney in Minnesota, having a great time in spite of ill health (both of them). Have a great day in the Lord! (help me, people, I can't put pics in between my paragraphs...not that there are two :) )

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